If you're in the military and have been stationed at a less than desirable base, I'm sure you've heard this phrase over and over..."It's what you make of it." When we found out we were moving to Clovis almost 2 years ago now, I'm not going to lie, we weren't thrilled. Being from New Jersey we grew up with a different way of life. For. Sure. I'd love to be living on the east coast, in a larger city, somewhere with more restaurants, shopping, art, and culture.
I have days where I throw myself a pity party. The days I can't stand it here. The days I day dream about getting a new assignment. The days where it's so windy (and they're often!) red dirt is coming in your doors and windows. But I hate to see the people who let it get to their core. I used to hate the phrase "It's what you make of it." I would roll my eyes. But it's true. I love my husband. He loves serving his country. This is where we are stationed. This is where we will live for 3-4 years. No amount of complaining will make that time go faster. So instead, I try my best to see the positive. I look for the good in this town, and I'd like to share those finds with you.
On days like today, when it's unseasonably warm and not unbearably windy, instead of taking a walk around the neighborhood, Charlie and I hop in the car and drive north to a walking path at Ned Houk Park for a change of scenery. I do love the New Mexico sky.
The sign for the walking path also says botanical garden, but don't get too excited. I think it's referring to a few wooden planter boxes at the beginning of the path. Maybe they'll perk up in the Spring but right now they're dead. In all the times I've walked this path, no one else has ever been on it, so I let Charlie off leash, but I always carry it with me incase we come across other dogs. Charlie loves running ahead and exploring but he always happily comes back when I call him :)
I grabbed this from Google Maps to show you where the walking path is at Ned Houk. I had been to the park so many times and somehow never came across this path, until someone told me about it and explained where it is. I'm so glad they did! From Clovis you drive North on Prince, which turns into 209. You turn right into the park after you've been on Prince for about 5.5 miles after the light at Colonial Parkway. Follow the red line through the park, the road will be paved the whole way. You'll see the brown sign (shown above) for the walking path on your right. You can park in the lot just beyond it near the picnic tables. It takes me 20 minutes to get to the park from my house, on the east side of town. One lap around the loop also takes about 20 minutes when walking, so I like to do it twice. The path is dirt so no dice for strollers, but your dog will love it! I've also pointed out on the map where you can find some interesting creatures at the park, miniature donkeys, bison, and prairie dogs. I'm not sure how or why the donkeys and bison got there (they are both fenced in) but they are fun to spot!
Where do you like to go in Clovis? Parks, restaurants, stores, wherever...I'd love to hear about them and share them with others :)
The loop in Ned Houck is one of my favorite spots. It is nice to escape for a little while on a warm, sunny day. I know Charlie is happy to get out there and RUN. Jack and Gracie always have a blast.
Hey Babe,
I love the photos! Charlie looks so happy. I love the walking path and can't wait to read more of your posts.
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